Friday 10 January 2014

Last words

Literature, and analysing, understanding essays, novels, etc, has never been my strongest subject – in any language. Although the texts were interesting, and thought-provoking to read, I am afraid that my thoughts on them may not have been as coherent, nor as well written. Moreover, I was and I still am sceptical about the idea of having and writing a blog. I have never been great in writing essays, in general added with the thought that anyone could read what I have written is daunting. This is why it took me till the last possible moment to actually put them on the blog.
That being said I did really enjoy reading most of the texts. These texts are definitely not works I would of normally read, and never would I have randomly have picked most of them up by myself. There was such a wide range it what we looked at that, there will always be at least one that you can appreciate. The ones where I was able to identify another work that I knew, by means of comparison, ‘Howl’ and ‘The Fountainhead’, I think were my favourite. I found them easier to align myself to them. For the ‘Fountainhead’, after seeing the film, I would actually like to read the book, to see if my first thoughts on Howard Roark are still valid. On the other hand certain of the essay (as stated in my blogs) I found really confusing, and hard to actually understand- which wasn’t a great motivation when needing to write about them.

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